The Secret Ingredient in Jungle Beer

On the plane to Iquitos we read about Masato, or “jungle beer,” in our Amazon survival book. Apparently, when you visit a tribe, they will offer you this beverage which you must drink or it’s considered highly offensive. It’s ingredients are simple… just chewed manioc (yucca) fermented with the yeast from women’s saliva. “That’s disgusting! … Read more

The Most Important Thing to do in Iquitos

It is illegal to possess or sell wildlife in Peru. However, spend 10 minutes in the market of Belen and you’ll see monkey babies, sitting next to their mother’s carcasses, both for sale. Nothing is being done to stop the illegal murdering and trafficking of the animals this city so proudly displays on the their … Read more

How to Get to the REAL Monkey Island, Peru

While we were on our overnight trip to Iquitos, we met several people who asked us what we were doing in the Amazon. We explained that we are volunteering at La Isla De Los Monos, a statement which was met with questionable glances. “is that the place with the cages?” “aren’t all the monkeys sick?” … Read more

Meet Neeko

I introduced you to Neeko almost 3 weeks ago after we rescued him from the market in Mazan (here). He had ammunition in his tail and side, a broken toe, was malnourished and terrified. I am happy to announce that Neeko is recovering beautifully and gaining more strength every day. His tail and foot are … Read more

Raising Awareness

One of our most important volunteer tasks on La Isla De Los Monos is educating the tourists on the importance of Gilberto’s project. He speaks great English but since he is self taught, naturally there are language barriers. We have been communicating with English speaking tourists and answering any questions they have. We also teach … Read more

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