Revamping the Souvenir Table

After leaving La Isla De Los Monos in January, we continued working with the project from home. I helped build them a functional website, we’ve secured several volunteers for the Summer, and have even received a few donations!When we booked our flight back to the Amazon, Shannon and I kicked it into overdrive and came … Read more

A New Addition to the Island

The night before we arrived in Iquitos, Flaca gave birth to her baby! For the first few days after it was born, we were unable to get close enough to see it because Martin (the father) has been doing a great job protecting her. As time has passed, he’s become a little more lenient with … Read more

Meet Carina

Carina is the island’s newest rescue and she has an amazing donation story! For the first two years of her life she lived with a family in Iquitos as an illegal pet, tied up at her waist. Her owner saw the Al Sexto Dia news report on La Isla De Los Monos several months ago … Read more

My Babies are Growing Up

When I boarded my plane home in January, I knew that I was leaving the island as I knew it at that moment, forever. Fast forward three short months and already so much has changed. The babies we helped raise are completely different monkeys now. Some for the better, and one unfortunately for the worse. … Read more

First Things First

Of course the first stop we made was the ice cream store to order the biggest bowl of Aguaje and Passion Fruit ice cream we could find. 

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