Meet Marta and Melita

Marta and Melita are two women who live on La Isla De Los Monos and they have been our Peruvian mamas while we are living here. 90% of the time they can be found in the kitchen making the most delicious meals! They knew we were vegetarian and decided cook only vegetarian meals for the … Read more

The Amazon River is Rising

The river is rising in the Amazon. Gilberto and many other families that live on it’s banks have been forced to cope with this reality. Last year, in May 2012 the water rose at record levels and flooded their home (which sits on 5ft stilts), destroyed the majority of their crops and took the lives … Read more

Meet Martin

Martin is the oldest monkey on the island at a whopping 5 years old. He is the alpha male and kind of a pimp. He has children with 3 of the other monkeys here. None of the other monkeys mess with Martin. If he wants your fruit, you hand it over. Even Antony, who messes … Read more

Bottle Feeding Manatees in Iquitos

On Saturday I got to check “bottle feed a baby manatee” off of my bucket list! We headed into Iquitos for the night to catch up on emails, and sleep without a mosquito net. While in town, we decided to visit Acobia DWAzoo, a manatee reserve and rescue center about 25 minutes away from the … Read more

Meet Blanca and Veronica

Veronica is a six month old Woolly monkey who was born on the island in July 2012. She is very shy and since her mom is still alive (unlike the other babies here), she doesn’t need people so she stays away from us. Baby Neeko is the same age as Veronica but the differences between … Read more

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