
I fall for cities and Edinburgh was my first love. My grama was born here, so it’s tradition in my family to make the pilgrimage to Scotland at a very young age. It’s the most special place I’ve ever been and no matter where I travel to, I compare everywhere else to here.

Scottish Bagpiper

For the past week, Nick and I have just tried to blend in and experience Edinburgh for what she is. Staying at Dorothy’s made it especially easy for us to feel like we were at home. We could come and go as we pleased, but always knew that a cup of tea was waiting for us when got home.

our trusty #25 bus

Edinburgh Queen's StreetCalton Hill

We ate at the chippy just about every day, we spent the afternoons on top of Calton Hill watching the sun sink, and did I mention we drank tea? Life in Scotland revolves around tea.



Summer Festivals

The Summer is a really fun time to visit Edinburgh because there’s so much to do. The Edinburgh Jazz Festival is happening this week and live music is everywhere. In August, there’s a different festival just about every week. Dorothy has been out every night, coming it at 11pm or midnight and putting us to shame.

Edinburgh Jazz Festival


Family History

My favorite part of our Scotland journey has been spending time with my grama. She’s not only the most hilarious and fun travel partner, but she knows this city like the back of her hand and is the best tour guide anyone could ask for. Putting visuals to the stories she’s told me about the war and her childhood were priceless. I’d seen most everything before, but for some reason it was more impactful on this trip. Maybe because I’m older. We drove past where she worked while saving up money to move to the U.S, she pointed out her childhood friend’s homes, and we saw where the bomb shelters used to be.

IMG_2495The shop above (obviously different now) was where she and the neighborhood kids gathered around to peek into the windows at the first television they’d ever laid eyes on!

Edinburgh National Gallery Museum

We walked through the National Gallery Museum, where she remembered it being the only open/free place in town on a Sunday. She and her friends would walk the length of the museum scoping out the “talent” haha.


The other day, we asked her to show us the home she grew up in. Walking down South Sloan St., she  pointed up to the window on the top floor. She used to stand on this street and yell up at her mom to throw her down a sandwich (piece on jam), because it was a long walk up the stairs. So many of her stories take place in this apartment.

This was my very favorite day.


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