Why You Should Take Riding an Elephant off your Bucketlist

This morning I was asked to go with several mahouts to a nearby trekking camp in order to look at a new elephant that might be donated to ElephantsWorld. I was thrilled at the chance to be able document the process of acquiring a new elephant but the reality of the trekking camp overshadowed my excitement. … Read more

This Post is for my Mom

Look mom!! I’m doing my own laundry 🙂 In the river.. which means that everything will be dirty when I get home, so I’ll be coming over soon.

Erawan Falls

On Wednesday, 2 of the volunteers and I were given a day off (after many hours of begging), so we decided to check out the famous Erawan Falls. Only 2 hours away by bus. Erawan is a national park with its main attraction being a 7 tiered waterfall that hundreds of tourists flock to see every … Read more

Feeding Hungry Elephants // Thailand Volunteer Diaries

Elephants eat 10% of their body weight each day, which means they spend most of their time eating. As a volunteer, our days pretty much revolve around feeding the elephants and it’s pretty much a full time job.  BANANA TREES Every day, we drive to one of the local farms and load 1000’s of pounds … Read more

Loi Krathong

During the full moon of the 12th month on the Thai lunar calendar, Thailand celebrates Loi Krathong. The local people make boats and send them down the river releasing any negativity and making a wish for the new year. Yesterday we had the special opportunity to participate in the celebrations and the experience has been … Read more

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