Asshole Taxi Drivers and a Sunset at Wat Arun

I am currently running on 2 hours of sleep but that didn’t stop me from dragging my ass to the Amorosa rooftop bar across the river from Wat Arun to watch the sunset this evening.

Getting anywhere is proving to be quite difficult, as the taxi drivers in Bangkok seem hell bent on ripping me off. They sneakily neglect to turn their meters on and try and bargain the rate instead, often quoting 4-5x’s higher than it should be. Unfortunately for them, I Google everything so I’m prepared for their illegal games. On the way to the rooftop, I argued with and jumped out of 4 different moving taxis because they refused to use the meter. Usually, I make Nick deal with confrontations but since I’m solo, I’ve had to do it myself. It’s been good practice and I feel like I’m really getting the hang of yelling at people 🙂
When I finally made it to my destination, I was rewarded with this gorgeous view.

Tomorrow I meet elephants!!

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